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Gold Jewellery Care Guide

At Nisa Jewellery Store, we take pride in crafting exquisite jewellery that not only dazzles with its beauty but also stands the test of time. We understand that each piece holds special meaning and sentimental value to our valued customers.

While our jewellery is crafted with precision and premium materials and is designed for everyday wear, it is essential to recognise that no jewellery is indestructible. Hence, we provide you with this care guide to help you maintain the longevity and brilliance of your precious treasures.

1. Precious Materials

Our jewellery is meticulously crafted from high-quality 18k gold and adorned with genuine diamonds and other precious stones. While these materials. are resilient, they can still be susceptible to wear and tear over time. Proper care is vital to keep your jewellery looking its best.

2. Avoid Excessive Force

While our jewellery is durable, it’s essential to handle it with care. Avoid subjecting your pieces to excessive force or impact, as it can lead to damage, especially for intricate designs or delicate settings.

3. Protective Storage

When not in use, store your jewellery in protective pouches or lined jewellery boxes to prevent scratches, tangling, or other damage.

4. Safekeeping During Activities

To preserve the integrity of your jewellery, avoid wearing it during activities that may expose it to abrasive surfaces or sudden impacts.

5. Avoid Contact with Harsh Substances

Remove your jewellery before using household cleaning products, makeup, perfumes, hairsprays, and lotions. These substances can dull the shine of precious metals and gemstones.

6. Cleaning Your Jewellery

Regularly clean your jewellery to maintain its brilliance. Use a soft, lint-free cloth to gently wipe away dirt, oils, and fingerprints.

For a more thorough cleaning, prepare a mild solution of warm water and a few drops of gentle dish soap. Soak your jewellery for a few minutes, then scrub gently with a soft brush, such as a toothbrush, to remove dirt from crevices.

Rinse your jewellery with warm water and pat dry with a soft cloth. Please DO NOT work near open sinks.

7. Cherish the Memories

Ultimately, our jewellery is designed to become a cherished part of your life’s story. Each scratch or scuff may tell a tale of memories and experiences, adding to the uniqueness of your piece.

By treating your jewellery with love and following our care guide, you can preserve its beauty and ensure it remains a timeless keepsake for you and generations to come.

At Nisa Jewellery store,, we are committed to providing you with not only stunning jewellery but also the knowledge to care for your treasures, making them a lasting symbol of your exceptional moments and unforgettable memories.

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